Brazilian artists’ turn in the world art market: who to keep an eye on

With Adriano Pedrosa as curator of the Venice Biennale, the eyes of art turn to Brazil; Check out which names are currently most popular
Forbes Brazil, 26 April 2024

“The Brazilian art scene is on the boil.” This is what Graziela Martine, director of visual arts at Instituto Artium , says . This statement comes from the fact that, for some time now, the art market has been turning its eyes significantly both to recently graduated artists and to posthumous artists who have not received due recognition.


“For the first time, we will have a Brazilian curator at the Venice Biennale who chose several artists from our country to participate in this edition, which ends up attracting the eyes of foreigners to national production”, adds Graziela. The curator she mentions is Adriano Pedrosa, responsible for MASP , who will focus on artists from less Eurocentric regions who have not yet achieved due recognition.


Sophia Loeb


“The national artist on the rise at the moment is called Sophia Loeb. At 27 years old, Sophia has managed to reach a place that no artist of her generation has reached yet and her journey is just beginning. Represented by Pippy Houldsworth Gallery in London, Sophia is a former student of Goldsmiths University and the Royal College of Arts, participated in the main world fairs this year, entered very important private collections and was featured in the London press. Her gallery owner is already holding the sale of her works and handpicking her new collectors and future projects. Based on the intensified sensory experience of her own meditation practice, Sophia's painting materializes sensations, whether internal – our thoughts and feelings, for example – or external – our perception of other lives and environments. She also boldly throws herself into ceramics.” – Graziela Martine