SPOTLIGHT Feature Shaqúelle Whyte’s star is on the rise, Championed by Nick Campbell

Nick Campbell, The Wick, 17 March 2021
If you’re looking to acquire contemporary art but are not sure how to go about it, putting in a call to Nick Campbell should be top of your list. Drawing on more than a decade of experience and in-depth knowledge in collecting high-quality art, he founded award-winning art advisory company Narcissus Arts in 2010. Specialising in sourcing art for under £10,000, it has helped commercial, corporate and private clients build impressive collections. Nick was also named the UK’s Best Art Consultant Under 35 by Spear’s magazine. If you’re on his radar, you’re definitely worth knowing, and London-based painter Shaqúelle Whyte is definitely that.
Campbell says: “I have the good fortune of visiting many artists in their studios, but none have been as young, eloquent and passionate as Shaqúelle. At such a young age, Shaqúelle has already established himself as a talented and dynamic artist with an exciting future. I have no doubt that he is a rising star, whose name will become commonplace within art circles, and that this is a perfect time for collectors to get in early.”
A figurative painter known for his exploration of the human condition, Whyte draws his inspiration from a variety of places, including the artists that he consumes. These range from Cecily Brown to Andrew Salgado, Michael Armitage to Tintoretto, Rubens to Rothko, Twombly to Monet and Yiadom-Boakye to Violet Hwami. As well as drawing from artists throughout history, the books he reads shape the imagined scenarios he creates. He told us: “I try for the world that I build to be as immersive as what I read and so finding time to delve into fantasy and adventure novels allows for my mind to wonder.”
Campbell adds: “With an intriguingly distinct style, Shaqúelle’s exploration of the human condition in his vivid works beautifully portray colourful and compelling worlds. Eloquently drawing upon art historical, cultural and personal references, his paintings have the captivating ability to speak to us all.”
Despite the pandemic forcing him to paint out of his mum’s living room and later student flat, Whyte has managed to create a collective of artists, aptly named Modern Faces, who will be presenting their first group show at Square Gallery in collaboration with Fynn Studios in April 2021. He also has shows lined up for the back end of the year, which he will be announcing in due course.