Shaqúelle Whyte in conversation at Tate Britain

Shaqúelle Whyte has been selected by Tate Britain to participate in their New Perspectives series, an exploration of contemporary portaiture presented alongside their current exhbiition, Sargent and Fashion. The exhibition explores John Signer Sargent's unique approach to portraiture, notably his collaborative relaitonship with his sitters, his emphasis on fashion, and his use of studio props and accessories. 


On 19 June 2024, 7- 8:30pm, in Room 8, Tate Britain, Whyte will be in conversation with art historian Alayo Akinkugbe (A Black History of Art). There will  also be a screening of a filmed visit at his studio in East London. The talk will consider topics such as: the relationship between artist and sitter; the theatricality of portraiture; and the dynamics of studio life.


This event is part of the Terra Foundation for American Art Series: New Perspectives and has been provided by Tate Gallery on behalf of Tate Enterprises Ltd.

10 June 2024