Oscar very Wilde, 2023
Upheaval, 2023
In the Streets of L., 2022
Snowdonia at Dawn, 2021-22
Tureluurs (Border-Line), 2020
WAR 1914-18, 2014
The Ultimate Kiss, 2002-12
Onder het ijs (sous glace), 1994
De achterkant van het bestaan (The backside of existence), 1992
Burning Gulf Megalights, 1991
Ceux qui vont en bateau, 1987
Untitled (Upstairs-Downstairs), 1986
Big foot small head (for Thomas), 1985
Chambre d’Hotel (Série Noire), 1980
Untitled, 1974
The pain is beautifull, 1971
La Réforme de la Societé, 1968
Le dinosaure amoureux, 1968
Objects, 1966 (circa)
Le cosmonaute invisible, 1966
Untitled (TV Drawing), 1966
Les pazzes de la piazza, 1965
Untitled (TV Drawing), 1965
Le blouson très noir et ses femmes, 1964
Untitled, 1964
Untitled, 1963
Doomsnight (Doomsday), 1962