Who is left out of paradise returns free, 2023
Phantom Arm, 2023
Loom over me, inheritance, and hover to my side friend, drape me a family with no cause to alarm, wait to be present in weightless harmony these are my neighbors, 2023
Tying. Tying blood ties, blood lines. Try tie a spot.tie pools of drops not like spots, that pain, ached stain. Bring cousin to be stranger and strange, 2023
Crying. Crying and crying tiny or gigantic minerals, crystals like diamonds blistered, raw and w/o notice, jewelers, and brides in summer solstice, 2023
laughing. Laughing out loud, behind closed doors , inside and behind ones back and laughing at others or with you you or often at strangers or foreigner or the ugly or the old or those who do not laugh at all, 2023
Orange is in the Sultan’s trade and so and so on it goes in the intersection of feelings, love and desire stay waiting in her east and west as blind spot, 2023
Yellow. Diamond imprecise in cut and stain made by earth dropped like watery rain making him quiver and see flicker of light that leaked to surround him in the un seen weather and many thoughs health, 2023
Wetlands. Maybe they got used to my absence and this after my birth and time passed to make me not want anymore I made in my own making a beauty of the wet lands away from city and citizen, 2023
Green, overcome with delight by thoughts of skin and water submerged as if a weightless bather, felt nature take her, wipe away, clean her blind spot, 2023
Myriad of Voices from beaton ground and buried folks, headless cries break even and odd broken sky to make sea to float like crackers baked by empires storm to make us hovel beneath, in whispers this blemish is wound, countable, not incorrect or surmounta, 2021
Fevers and Flora, Gauguin's grandmother, her salt, her Peruvian heritage crossed mountains sent death kind balloons, face me nots, sweat of voyages eaten by inheritance, 2020
Native, migrant naturally, 2018
In noiseless soils, underground, a length of distanced poured to the below touched no air, rooted in piles of more root upon more piles not weeded and not watered grew even as no light entered to stare, 2017
Heredity in variation and reproduction, an extension of self in movement and in flight could fly never never too far and forever always to be divided into the individual and the frightening face of the diminished other, 2015
Where I came from was water and salt and this is I where I will go with bangles to tackle my human opponents and tangles of hair that snaked out of air her tongue and yours will know when to play with water, mountain and or air this no human law’s shall c, 2015
Consuming Angels, 2015
Angels of Girls, girls, girls tight walking on fire, 2015
Unthinkable Skirt, 2015